tirsdag 14. mai 2013


By now, we have come far in the planning of the film. We are all working well together, and have cooperated to come up with the best possible way to make our film.
I have rehearsed my StopMotion skills in the lab in uni, and done some more drawings.
We are on time with our project, still following our schedule!
Our project is called" Colors of Imagination"

Here is  our proposal:

                                                   Colors of Imagination

 When starting our project we did individual research to bring back to class to share. In our first group discussion we exchanged video and material we had found on the Internet from sources such as Youtube, Vimeo and Google that we found interesting and gave a feel/understanding of what we wanted to create. Secondly we discussed what techniques and aspects of creating we each were best at. We felt this was important as these talents combined would make a project to the best of our ability and enables us to teach each other new skills. We came to the conclusion immediately that our creation needed to uphold a strong positive message, as this is what all resource provided had in common. Strong connotations of happiness are related to childhood, as this is a stress free time, this was a good place to begin our development. The message should influence adults to think about this period in life and consider life through the eyes of a child. Another aspect from the resources we liked was the idea a split screen, projecting two different images or points of view.

Combining our ideas, strong points and resources we came up with the concept of a stop motion split screen from two different points of view incorporating illustration. One projecting the image of everyday life from an adult’s point of view and the other the same image but a child’s. The market is a great location for this as it is an exciting everyday environment that can be interpreted differently with age. The image when seen from the youthful point of view will be colorful and evolve in illustration such as flowers growing and birds flying. This will be in juxtaposition to the adult’s projection, which will stay realistic. Although the same image, the child point of view should be in black and white to suggest difference and the illustrations in bright colors suggesting imagination. We felt from this idea our message should be ‘let imagination color your world’. We don’t want to limit our self to stop motion although this is our initial idea, as we would like to play around and conduct trial and error before deciding what is best for our project.

The music we choose need to support the image we see strongly as this will create the overall obeisance for our piece. The introduction will consist of diegetic sounds supporting the realistic location of the film. When the split screens are introduced this will change to a more upbeat positive non-diegetic sound track of a specific song which we feel create the right atmosphere. We are going to look for the music before the piece is finished but only when our project is created and the soundtrack added would we know if it is the correct piece for out project.

The project target audience is catered for adults that have lost the flare for life. Although directly created for adults it is consumable for all ages but the subconscious message is only going to be apparent to adults. We are going to do this by shooting the images over the shoulder of a child suggesting, but not making the mind up for the audience, that its from their point of view.

Programs we have decided to use are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Adobe illustrator, Adobe After Effect and Adobe premier. Each of these programs will bring and benefit our project in a different way. Another reason we have chosen to use lots of different programs is because we want to try different techniques to see which are more effective and don’t want to limit our self’s to one or two when we can benefit from all as we will learn from what doesn’t work. We will also use a camera and video recorded hired from university. Maybe a Dictaphone for diegetic sounds.

After our first week we have created a time scheme to help up keep on track. Week one was dedicated to research and brainstorming ideas, week two we had an initial idea giving us a seven days to develop this and create a presentation to share our idea. By April we plan to have a rough first draft. With our first draft we plan to show and receive constructive feedback from viewers, this enables us to create a stronger, more viewer friendly final piece.

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